5/18 -5/19

A lap is 4.5 miles with 700 feet of elevation gain.


The drive is about 2.5 hours from Mill Valley (92 miles). The drive takes time because of the twisty roads once you exit the highway in Santa Rosa. Traffic into the venue stacks up because of some one-way bridges. Please plan accordingly.

Venue entry fee $10 per vehicle. Bring cash.


SIX SIGMA IS great for camping

If you’re a camper, this venue is a blast to camp at. For Six Sigma races, many of us camp and set up right around our team pit zone. It makes for a fun night and saves the shuttling back and forth to a hotel. Do note that this is a DRY campsite. There is no water source. So bring all your water for cooking and clean-up. On another note, it can be a bit loud as there are hundreds of campers all over the giant field. But it does settle down around 11 pm, as everyone is trying to get a bit of rest for race day. Bring earplugs.




Pack all gear the night before you leave. You shouldn't be stressing before you get in the car or while riding in the car wondering if you have all your gear.

Your bike should be clean. Chain cleaned and lubed. Tire pressure checked. Wheel thru axle-bolts or quick releases should be checked for tightness.

Don’t forget your race plate. If you don’t have one yet Coach Joe will have it for you. If you lost yours, bring $20 and Coach Joe will get a replacement for you.

Try to make your pre-race routine simple and non-stressful.


Pre-ride - We’ll have ride leaders available at 4:00 pm for pre-riding. Get there at 3:30 in order to be ready in time.

Meet at our team pit. Look for the Tam Flags.

We highly suggest you pre-ride the course. Coach Joe, Coach Matt and other Tam coaches in attendance will lead team pre-rides.

NOTE: you CAN NOT pre-ride the course without your race plate number or a ride leader.

Eat a good dinner. Hydrate. Get some rest.


May 18th, 7 - 9 pm at Six Sigma in the field somewhere.


ALL RACERS MUST ARRIVE to the team tents at 7:00 am. We’re a team, and when we’re not racing, we are here to cheer on our teammates. All racers, regardless of your start time.

Give yourself adequate time to make your way through the venue traffic.

Team meeting at 7:00.

Eat 3 hours before your race start time. Eat what you normally eat, what works for you.

Varsity Boys and Girls on trainer at 7:10am. You race 4 laps.

Varsity Boys start at 8:00

Varsity Girls start 8:05

JV 1 & 2 & Freshman Girls on trainers at 8:50am.

JV 1 start 9:40 - 3 laps

JV 2 start 9:45 - 2 laps

Freshman Girls start 9:51 - 2 laps

JV 2 Boys on trainers at 10:26 am. You race 2 laps.

JV Your start time is 11:16.

Freshman Boys on trainers at 11:32am. You race 2 laps.

Freshman Boys start 12:22

JV 1 Boys on trainers at 12:38 am. You race 3 laps.

JV Boys start 1:28

Podiums at 3:00 ish.

Race Day ends after awards! Racing etiquette dictates racers to stay until after awards. If you're on the podium you are required to receive your award on the podium. If the team wins, we all get on the podium. No exceptions.


Click on sign-up buttons above. You’ll have a blast being part of our team Pit Crew.

Racing at a NICA event is much more than the actual racing. Race Day encompasses racing, logistics, comradery, partying, and, yes, cleaning/repacking at the end of the day. Given all the above, it takes a legion of parents to orchestrate Race Day from 6:30 am setting up team tents, breakfast, bike trainers, race number placements, lunch, and awards to finally, at 3:00 pm, repacking. Yep, it’s 9 hours non-stop well oiled frenzy of work. At the end of the day, although you might be tired, you’ll be smiling, stoked, and so proud of the kids because there’s no other high school sporting event that can compare to NICA high school MTB Race Day!

Team Volunteer Coordinator (TVC) / Cari Dauphinais, Gena D’Angona, Renee Shelton

Coordinates volunteers for all team races and events. Manages and maintains Signup genius (SUG). Budgets and plans for race/event related purchases. Updates SUG for each race/event. Communicates with Race Day Coordinators, NICA and Pit Volunteers to ensure they show up and execute their team commitment so that our Pit Zone runs smoothly.

Pit Zone Coordinator / Jeremey Revitch

Coordinates Pit Zone setup and breakdown, working with the TVC to recruit enough volunteers to unload and reload the Team Trailer. 

Feed Zone Coordinator / Mark Ginnebaugh

Coordinates the cleaning and filling of Feed Zone water bottles, stocking of Feed Zone fuel, as well as recruits and manages the Feed Zone  volunteers.  They also transport the teams’ bottles and food to the Feed Zone using a small trailer.

About the Feed Zone:

The Feed Zone is the only place on the course where racers are allowed to accept water bottles or fuel from the team. Each team is allowed to have three (3) people in the Feed Zone at any one time, and race coaching is not allowed in this space or anywhere on the course.

Lodging Coordinator / Susan Walker

Coordinates reservations for lodging and identifies camping options for the night before the race.

Trainer Coordinator / Dale Kunkel, Daniel Robinson, Brian Camposano

Coordinates the deployment of trainers. Puts racers’ bikes on and takes them off the trainers as needed by the coaches. Works with the coaches to manage trainer workouts and guides racers to the starting line.

Lunch & Snack Coordinators Lunch: Windy Creath & Snacks: Leslie Myers

Coordinates the advance ordering and purchasing of lunch/snacks for racers at each race.  They research vendors both on and off-site, review menu options, quantities and costs with the TVC. Race day is an all day event and races are frequently held in remote locations with no running water. These sites lack enough concessions to feed teams. The team provides lunch and snacks to approximately 60-70 people at race venues as cost efficiently as possible, and with minimum burden to our team community and the environment

Trailer Coordinator/Tower / Chuck Moore

Coordinates the towing of the trailer from the Tam High parking lot to the race venue and back to the high school.  The Trailer Tower works alongside the Pit Zone Coordinator to get the most crucial pit items set-up early on race morning..

Breakfast Coordinator / Christine & K.G. Nesbit

Coordinates the purchase of breakfast items and organizes breakfast at each race. Typically, the team serves a light breakfast that includes: oatmeal cups, bagels with cream cheese, peanut and almond butter, bananas, Cliff bars and hot drinks such as hot chocolate and herbal tea.. A light breakfast is encouraged before racing.

Fuel Zone Coordinator / Esther Chang: 

Coordinates the purchase of Pit Zone and Feed Zone fuel, and sets up and cleans up the Fuel Zone table in the pit. The Fuel Zone Coordinator also supplies the Feed Zone Coordinator with fuel for the Feed Zone. Racers can stash fuel in their jerseys for the race, take fuel from the Feed Zone during the race or enjoy fuel after racing. Appropriate fuel includes: gels, bloks, electrolyte mix, etc. The team has an electrolyte drink dispenser, which the Fuel Zone Coordinator fills and cleans.  Caffeine is a banned substance at NICA races so all fuel purchased must be labeled “caffeine free.” 

Water Coordinator / Patrick Meezan: 

Coordinates with the TVC to take home the teams’ water containers, fills team containers in Marin and transports them to the race. Water containers can be returned to the trailer or can remain with the Water Coordinator for race season.

Ice Coordinator / Mark Ginnebaugh:

Coordinates the purchase and transport of 60lbs. (3-4 large bags) of ice to the race venue.

Coffee Coordinator / Doug Newman

Coordinates the on-site delivery and/or brewing of fresh hot coffee to keep team volunteers well-caffeinated.

Garbage Coordinator / Laura Mani

Coordinates the setting up and sorting of garbage and recycling in the Pit Zone. Transports garage/recycling to vendor designated containers or brings to dump/ home as needed.


Coordinates Tam's parents with our team NICA/Norcal volunteering obligations.

Beverage Coordinator / Lissa Bernstein-Lawler

Coordinates with the TVC to purchase the appropriate amount and mix of all race day drinks and stocks the coolers prior to travel to eliminate waste.  The team enjoys chocolate milk and milk alternatives, sparkling water and sparkling juices.

Team Photography Coordinator / Andreas and Laura

Captures photos of riders on course and throughout the day.

End of Season Party Coordinator / Gwen Marinozzi:

Coordinates with the TVC to plan our end of season celebration.


Nervous, Maybe. Anxious, definitely.

Racing against 50 peers on miles of single track will put you on edge.  However, once the race starts all nerves/anxiety disappears into laser focused energy, oh, and some serious pain from exertion. Racing is not just about being on the podium. Racing mountain bikes is about competing with yourself, your peers, meeting new friends and pushing above your limits. 

If you place 1st excellent, if you place 25th excellent, as long as you finish exhausted it’s all excellent.

Welcome to a whole new HIGH SCHOOL SPORT experience. THERE’s NOTHING LIKE IT.